Sunday, September 14, 2008

Project One: Communicating the Sustainable Ideal.

Asymmetrical First Round Thumbnails

Asymmetrical Second Round Thumbnails

Symmetrical First Round Thumbnails

Symmetrical Second Round Thumbnails

4"x4" Asymmetrical and Symmetrical Roughs

Asymmetrical Final Comp.

Symmetrical Final Comp.

Visual Communication

I chose to use an environmental approach to the goal of this project by using terms related to the natural growth and sustaining of plants on our planet. In order to give my two projects unified yet diverse looks, I used many different design principles while planning them out.

In my non-symmetrical design I filled the space with five different words, all with different scales and shades of gray. The focal point is Vegetation at the bottom of the design, in black. From there the eye extends to the rest of the words by thickness of type and grayscale darkness. All of the words are interwoven into each other by using letters from each to finish or add to others, to prove how they all connect in reality. I used different shapes such as straight lines. curves, and a circle to add visual interest and to keep the viewer intrigued. By varying the fonts and how the words are spread out I tried to mimic ideas about the actual term to make it look like what it was portraying. For example, photosynthesis is circular like the sun, and nourishment is scattered like rain down on the vegetation. Lastly I used the rule of thirds to plan out where my terms would go, to keep the image interesting. Nourishment is mainly in the upper left square, photosynthesis is in the right, development stretches across the vertical 2/3rds line, regeneration curves along the horizontal 2/3rds line, and vegetation takes up the entire bottom third space. Overall although the design is non-symmetrical, it still remains balanced by arranging the words in the correct way.

As for my symmetrical design, I had to use a different approach. Vegetation was still the focal point, as it is the biggest and boldest font type in the image. From there the eye circles around following the curves of the terms until it reaches the sides of the image. Although I used different fonts or the five terms, they remain balanced due to their shade of gray. The darker the shade, the thinner or finer the typography. I used positive and negative space to evoke movement, and used a high contrast around vegetation to keep it as the focal point. The even proportions unify the design because they are similar to each other, yet have enough variety to keep a visual interest. I attached nourishment to development, because without it plants would not grow, and in order to regenerate and produce offspring, they need photosynthesis to occur. I tried to make the words "grow" off of each other. Instead of having vegetation directly in the middle, I used the rule of thirds to more effectively place it above center along the 1/3 horizontal line. The image is still symmetrical, yet not perfectly centered at a point.

I believe that I successfully communicated the idea of sustainability by using terms with a relative theme and arranging them in a productive and visually inviting way. By using design principles and going through many stages of development from thumbnails to the final composition, I created images that portray what was needed through an interesting set of designs that are unique and original.


businesscards said...

I viewed your graphic work on blogger. Nice job on mapping out the project.

From time to time I sometimes need extra help on graphic projects. I understand that your busy with school and work, but I'd like to know if you may interested in working on a couple of small projects. Things such as business card, flyers, brochures, rack cards, etc. This may help you accomplish a couple of things such as build your portfolio and job experience. I am not looking to hire someone; I'm mainly looking for someone to outsource overflow to on an as needed basis.

If your interested in earning a few extra dollars reply back to me at:

Liz said...

I love how your projects turned out. I love your use of greys to show while is more important then the other. I especially love your Asymmetrical. I like how the words are all apart of each other.